RRB NTPC 2025 Free Practice Test Set-2: This is a free practice set for the RRB NTPC 2025 exam, through which you can strengthen your exam preparation. This practice set is designed based on the syllabus and exam pattern of RRB NTPC 2025. Quickly attempt these 20 questions and check at the end how many you have answered correctly. This set includes questions on General Science.
RRB NTPC 2025 Free Practice Test Set-2
1. Which gas is essential for the process of photosynthesis?
(a) Oxygen
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Carbon Dioxide
(d) Hydrogen
2. What is the formula of table salt in chemistry?
(a) KCl
(b) NaCl
(c) CaCl2
(d) MgCl2
3. What is the main gas found in the Earth’s atmosphere?
(a) Oxygen
(b) Carbon Dioxide
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Hydrogen
4. The theory of relativity was developed by whom?
(a) Isaac Newton
(b) Galileo Galilei
(c) Albert Einstein
(d) Nikola Tesla
5. What is the basic unit of life?
(a) Cell
(b) Atom
(c) Molecule
(d) Organ
6. Which planet is also called the “Evening Star”?
(a) Mars
(b) Venus
(c) Jupiter
(d) Saturn
7. What type of chemical bond is formed by electron sharing?
(a) Ionic bond
(b) Covalent bond
(c) Metallic bond
(d) Hydrogen bond
8. What is the pH value of pure water?
(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) 8
9. What part of the cell is called the powerhouse?
(a) Nucleus
(b) Mitochondria
(c) Ribosome
(d) Golgi apparatus
10. What is the standard unit of force in the SI system?
(a) Pascal
(b) Joule
(c) Newton
(d) Watt
11. Which vitamin is produced in the human body when exposed to sunlight?
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin B
(c) Vitamin C
(d) Vitamin D
12. What is the scientific name for water?
(a) Hydrogen oxide
(b) Hydrogen hydroxide
(c) Dihydrogen monoxide
(d) Hydronium
13. Which element is most abundant in steel?
(a) Copper
(b) Aluminum
(c) Iron
(d) Zinc
14. Who is known as the father of modern chemistry?
(a) Antoine Lavoisier
(b) Dmitri Mendeleev
(c) Robert Boyle
(d) John Dalton
15. Which organ pumps blood throughout the human body?
(a) Brain
(b) Liver
(c) Heart
(d) Lungs
16. What is the process called in which plants use sunlight to make food?
(a) Respiration
(b) Digestion
(c) Photosynthesis
(d) Transpiration
17. What is the name of the largest planet in the solar system?
(a) Earth
(b) Mars
(c) Jupiter
(d) Saturn
18. Which element is the most abundant in the sun?
(a) Helium
(b) Carbon
(c) Hydrogen
(d) Oxygen
19. Which scientist developed the three laws of motion?
(a) Albert Einstein
(b) Isaac Newton
(c) Galileo Galilei
(d) Stephen Hawking
20. What is the hardest natural substance found on Earth?
(a) Gold
(b) Diamond
(c) Graphite
(d) Steel
- (c) Carbon Dioxide
- (b) NaCl
- (c) Nitrogen
- (c) Albert Einstein
- (a) Cell
- (b) Venus
- (b) Covalent bond
- (c) 7
- (b) Mitochondria
- (c) Newton
- (d) Vitamin D
- (c) Dihydrogen monoxide
- (c) Iron
- (a) Antoine Lavoisier
- (c) Heart
- (c) Photosynthesis
- (c) Jupiter
- (c) Hydrogen
- (b) Isaac Newton
- (b) Diamond
मेरा नाम तरुण है और मैं 22 साल का हूँ, इस प्लेटफार्म के माध्यम से मैं आप तक सरकारी नौकरियों की जानकारी पहुँचाने का काम कर रहा हूँ। मेरे आर्टिकल्स को पढ़ कर आप आसानी से नौकरियों की आवेदन प्रक्रिया, eligibility, उम्र सीमा, आवेदन शुल्क आदि के बारे में जान सकते हो और साथ ही साथ मैं आपके लिए परीक्षाओं के प्रैक्टिस सेट भी तैयार करता हूँ जिसके जरिए आप अपनी तैयारी को और भी मजबूत बना सकते है।